Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Flipping the Switch

Lately I've felt stuck in a rut not really seeing any forward motion from hard work I've been putting in towards some of my personal goals. Needless to say it's been frustrating.  What happened to all my hard work, I wondered? All my "blood, sweat and tears?" Does it just evaporate into nothingness? 

There is an idea in Judaism that every action you take or prayer you utter has an effect, if not now then later. As above, so below -- there are repercussions to everything we do in this world it just sometimes takes time to see their effects, like a stone tossed in the water it takes time for the ripples to disseminate out. 

A couple of weeks ago I got a What's App message from one of my dear friends in England.  I had picked up my phone to see 10 What's App messages from her, then 11, then 12, then 13, then 14. They kept increasing and not only that but it was at least two o'clock in the morning her time.  Okay, "What's going on?"  I wondered.  I picked up my phone and read through her messages somewhat in disbelief. 

About 3 years ago someone had written an article about inspiring Jewish quotes and I had contributed one of my favorite quotes along with a short sentence describing why I connected to it and found it inspiring. That day my friend had What's App'ed me she saw my name and the quote posted on the Facebook status of her former neighbor.  He had been involved in a terrible life threatening accident several years ago and had posted it on the anniversary of the accident saying how grateful he was to have survived.   

What are the chances that my friend would see my quote with the sentence I wrote posted on her former neighbor's Facebook wall? The truth was I submit that quote and afterwards thought nothing of it.  After hearing this story I got major goosebumps.  You may be standing there flipping the switch and not seeing the light but somewhere in the world the light is shining for someone.

So what was the quote I submit to this article and that my friend's neighbor posted on his Facebook page? I'm sure you're wondering... :) 

"The salvation of G-d came come in the blink of an eye." 
--Pesikta Zutreta, Esther 4:17

No matter how bleak something may look, salvation could be just around the corner. God can change everything in the blink of an eye. This quote teaches us to always have hope; redemption can come at any moment.

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