Sunday, May 17, 2015

Waiting for the Ice Cream

A few weeks ago I went to visit a family that I'm close with.  I have baby sat their 5 year old since she was 2.5 years old and I hadn't seen her recently.  I arranged with her mother to come over that Sunday afternoon and spend some quality time with her.  My plans were to take her to the park and out for ice cream. Her mother warned me beforehand that she had recently lost a couple of teeth and her OT had given her a quarter to celebrate.  She proceeded to approach and stick her hand out demanding a quarter to anyone she could find and was cleaning up! Sure enough when I got to their house this little girl came up to me, stuck her hand out and demanded that I give her a quarter. In that moment I realized that it's the same situation with us and G-d.  

How many time do we pray and pray for something, "Give me a quarter! Please, just give me 1 quarter.  PLEASE!!! I just want a quarter!!! You have all this money just give me 1 quarter!"  I looked at her and thought "Kid, if you only knew that I'm about to take you to the park for 2 hours just you and me and take you to the ice cream store and buy you ANY KIND of ice cream you want.  That is worth SO MUCH more than 1 quarter!" She had no idea what was waiting for her JUST 10 minutes into the future if she would just hold on and be patient.  

It's the same thing with us.  I know personally there are things that I have prayed and prayed for years for and I am still waiting.  This idea gave me a perspective that although intellectually I knew I was never really able to conceptualize before. What G-d can dream for us is bigger than anything we can request from Him ourselves. Now when I feel myself have moments of frustration and demanding the quarter I try to stop, take a breath and remember that G-d is going to give me something so much greater than what I'm asking for.  We just have to sit patiently and wait for the ice cream.  

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