Friday, May 15, 2015

Spiritual Tracking System

This year I thought I was waaaay ahead of the game.  I emailed my accountant practically the second I received my W2.  The initial filing went pretty smoothly and I was excited that he was able to do online processing again this year which presumably meant I'd have my refund direct deposited into my account, same as last year, within the next 2-3 weeks.  Oh how wrong I was. After passing the 2 week mark I grew concerned.  By the 3 week mark I was mildly worried and then once the 6 week mark hit I had convinced myself that it had gotten permanently waylaid somewhere and that there must have been some problem and I wouldn't be getting a refund at all.  You can be sure that every week after I emailed my accountant without fail demanding an update as to my missing tax refund.  The first couple of emails he humored me with a simple, "They're running behind but it's on the way." By the 4th email he just ignored me.  

How many time in life do we do we do this to ourselves? We take actions to get something for ourselves whether it's dating or a job or a house or whatever it is that we've taken actions towards and are waiting for.  When we don't get what we want WHEN we want it we freak out! Exhibit A with my story above :)  I know as well as anyone that you have a certain way you envision your life unfolding but it doesn't always go on your timeline unfortunately.  

In my case I was exasperated to the point of finally turning to my old stand by "Professor Google."  Sure enough he led me directly to the IRS tracking system for filed tax returns.  After entering some information I was able to pull up my account which produced a timeline indicating the date it was submitted, processing status and finally when it was due to be sent to me.  You know what I saw? According to their system my refund was due to be direct deposited to my account the VERY NEXT day! After all my worrying and freaking out they were on top of it the whole time.  I just had to be patient, trust the system and ride it out.  It's the same way in life with all these other situations.  We do our due dilligence, trust G-d has our back and ride it out.  He has infinite ways and means to get us what we need and where we need to be.  Although it's not as easy as entering some information online He's constantly keeping tabs on your own personal timeline and keeping everything right on schedule. 

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